Books and Supplies


Massage Table-Students must purchase their own massage therapy table for home assignments and  clinical outreach 

( massage table and sheets, clinic shirt, hydrotherapy package with blood pressure equipment, and oil holster): approximately $2,500 for both years ($1840 year one and $660 year two), assuming everything purchased new - used books are available from students and graduates, which would reduce this cost.

Tuition and Fees


DOMESTIC TUITION FULL PROGRAM- $30,365- Year 1  $14,400  Year 2  $15,965

 INTERNATIONAL TUITION for 2 years is $34,800-Year 1 Tuition: $16,500   Year 2 Tuition: $18,300 

SPA PRACTITIONER certificate -  not currently offered 

Tuition may be paid in three ways:

  • seven monthly installments with initial deposit of 30%;
  • two semester installments of 50% 
  • paid in full.

The first payment is due one week before classes begin. All accounts must be up to date prior to proceeding to the next semester,  and upon graduation.

TUITION REFUND POLICY: Please click here for a summary of the OVCMT refund policy.


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